Hair Transplants: Permanent Hair Transplantation

Information About Hair Transplants and Permanent Hair Loss Treatment Options in New York, NY

Hair Transplantation Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr Andrew Jacono discusses various hair transplant methods that he offers patients in his New York and Long Island surgical centers.

How Is Hair Transplanted?

35 million men in the United States are affected by male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. “Andro” refers to androgens, like testosterone, that produces male-pattern hair loss (MPHL). “Genetic” refers to the inherited gene necessary for MPHL to occur. In men who develop male pattern baldness, hair loss may begin at any time after puberty when androgen blood levels rise.

The first noticeable change is usually recession in the temporal areas. This occurs in 96% of mature Caucasian males, including men who will experience no further hair loss.

Later, the frontal hairline recedes, resulting in a “horseshoe” fringe of hair and a bald crown. These problems can occur in the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. The causes are largely genetic.

Baldness also occurs in women, though in a different way. The hair thins all over the head, but the frontal hairline doesn’t usually recede. There may be a moderate loss of hair on the crown, but this rarely progresses to total baldness.

Luckily, there are ways to combat balding. The most effective of these is hair transplantation. This is a surgical procedure that moves hair from one place to another.

Hair Transplants NYC
Micro follicular unit grafting

Usually, Dr. Jacono extracts grafts, or small sections of skin and follicles, from an area of the body that contains healthy hair. He then places these grafts in hairless parts of the scalp. Sometimes, he removes a strip of tissue from the back of the scalp, dissects it, then transplants it to thinning or balding areas. This is called the strip method.

What Is Microfollicular Unit Grafting?

During micro follicular unit grafting, hair is transplanted into balding areas as individual follicular units. This guarantees that results will look natural and undetectable.

Hair transplant procedures usually harvest follicles from areas of the head where there is no balding, then insert them into balding areas. With modern technology, small hair grafts, called individual follicular units, are the most reliable. Hair normally grows in clusters of 1, 2, 3, and sometimes 4 hairs. These naturally occurring groups of hair are called “follicular hair units.”

Dr. Jacono can rearrange these follicles, placing them closer together to make the hair look denser. This is called micro grafting, or follicular unit extraction (FUE). It is a delicate and time-consuming process.

Each follicular hair unit must be kept intact and trimmed under a microscope to create a viable micrograft. The end result is natural-looking hair.

During a single procedure, Dr. Jacono can create between 2,500 and 3,000 grafts.

Fue Hair Transplant vs Strip Method
Fue Hair Transplant vs Strip Method

How Long Do Hair Transplants Last?

About 6 months after treatment, the transplanted hairs begin to take on a more natural appearance and will continue to grow.

Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution to hair loss and typically lasts a lifetime.

Do Hair Transplants Look Natural?

In the past, hair transplants did not always appear natural. Early procedures involved punching out large areas of skin from the back of the scalp and moving them to balding areas. These often-created unnatural hairlines.

Today, hair transplants look exceptional. Advancements like microfollicular grafting are so sophisticated that it can be impossible to tell whether patients have had a hair transplant. 

Shaping the Hairline

Hair transplantation requires artistry since it can be difficult to properly shape the hairline. If the hairline is constructed like a straight edge, for example, it will look artificial. Therefore, the hairline needs to have a natural wave. Additionally, the hairline should not be placed too low on the head.

In patients with severe baldness, more than one hair transplant session may be required. The first few sessions are dedicated to the front of the hairline, just above the forehead. This frames the face, which is an aesthetic priority. Once this has been accomplished, transplant sessions switch focus to the balding crown.

Most hair restoration procedures are performed under local anesthesia. This ensures a quick recovery and will not affect patients’ ability to work.

Hair transplant sessions that use thousands of follicular unit grafts may take a whole day to perform. The time, however, goes quickly. During the procedure, patients rest comfortably and can watch television, take a nap, or chat with the staff.

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Why Choose Dr. Jacono for Your Hair Transplant?

Dr. Jacono is a dual board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He has extensive training in hair transplant procedures and offers the best results possible.

To see if you are a candidate for hair transplantation with Dr. Jacono, please contact our offices in Manhattan or on Long Island.


Dr. Jacono now offers Neograft hair transplants in his New York City and Long Island Offices.

Hair Transplant Before and After Photos

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 1

This young male patient wanted to reduce the appearance of his receding hairline. Dr. Jacono performed a hair transplant procedure using 2500 grafts to address his concerns.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 2

This male patient opted to have a FUE transplant procedure to create a more natural and fuller hairline. Dr. Jacono used the strip method to harvest the grafts and after 2000 hair grafts were used, this patient has a natural hairline that is not receding.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 3

Suffering from male pattern baldness and a receding hairline, this male patient came to Dr. Jacono for a hair transplant using the Neograft FUE method. The one year post op photo shows that he went from being bald to having a full head of hair again.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 4

Complaining about his thinning hair, this middle-aged male patient underwent a FUT hair transplant with Dr. Jacono. Dr. Jacono placed 2000 micro-grafts to the patient’s hairline and restored hair to the visible thinning areas. The patient is completely happy with his results.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 5

Before and immediately after 3500 grafts placed to form a new hairline and a natural looking head of hair. We are excited to see this patient on their next followup to see how his new hair is growing in.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 6

This male hair loss patient was unhappy with his thinning hairline and wanted to reverse the signs of his stage three balding. Dr. Jacono performed a FUE procedure assisted with Neograft and placed 2500 new grafts to create very natural results.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 7

This female patient had a brow lift procedure and wanted to restore her hairline that became more receding. You can see the new grafts in the after photo that are going to create a new, thicker hairline that looks natural.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 8

Following a facelift procedure, this female patient wanted to restore her sideburns. Dr. Jacono performed a FUE procedure to recreate natural looking sideburns that can be seen in her after photo.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 9

Wanting to increase the density of his hair and lower his hairline, this male patient underwent a Neograft hair transplant procedure with Dr. Jacono and his staff. Dr. Jacono placed 1000 grafts to create a fuller, natural looking hairline.

best hair transplant before and after photo

Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient 10

This young male patient wanted to reverse the signs of hair loss without having a hair transplant procedure. Dr. Jacono performed 4 separate hair restoration treatments with growth factors over the course of 6 months. The growth factors were combined with ACell and Micro needling to create these incredible results without surgery.

best hair transplant before and after photo

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