A female patient being marked by surgeon before her facial plastic surgery

Mid Facelift (Endoscopic Midface Lift)

Information About Endoscopic Midface Lift Procedures with Dr. Andrew Jacono in New York.

Endoscopic Facelift Endoscopic facelift patient testimonial for Dr Andrew Jacono. Listen as this female patient explains her procedure and results.

As we age the Midface (the cheek soft tissue pad) drops producing deep nasolabial grooves (grooves between the nose and mouth), and sunken cheeks. The face goes from being heart-shaped with the volume of the cheeks over the cheekbones to being more square-shaped and jowly. Dr. Jacono performs an Endoscopic Midface Lift, or Vertical Face Lift, through the same small incisions in the scalp the size of a drinking straw.

Endoscopic Mid Face Lift (ScarFree Face Lift™)

Facial plastic surgeon Doctor Jacono’s new “Vertical Facelift” or Endoscopic Face Lift offers an effective alternative to the Traditional Facelift. As one ages, gravity causes the facial tissues to droop in a vertical direction.

This less invasive facelift technique combines repositioning of the orbital and buccal fat pads (deep fat pads in the face) over the cheeks, hollows under the eyes, and smile line areas. Mid-face lift incisions are minimized. It restores a youthful, heart-shaped face.

Old face-lifting techniques with larger incisions did not restore the youthful volume in the arc of the eyes and the cheeks. He calls his techniques the ScarFree Face Lift™.

Description: Endoscopic (Small Incision) Brow Lift, Mid Face Lift | NYC
Endoscopic (Small Incision) Brow Lift and Mid Face Lift

There are few plastic surgeons who can perform this endoscopic surgery operation through this approach, without incisions on the face that can potentially be visible. Post-operatively, bruising and swelling are minimized compared to other facelift procedures.

Doctor Jacono is an expert in Endoscopic Midface lifting. He lectures all over the country on his techniques and publishes extensively on mid-face lift surgery (Click Here to See these Publications).

Endoscopic Mid-face Consultation

During your consultation, Doctor Jacono will perform a thorough examination of your face, taking into consideration all factors. He analyzes your skin type and how the upper, middle, and lower parts of your face as well as your eyes may contribute to your aging appearance. After this, Doctor Jacono uses digital photography and computer imaging software to simulate how you will look after surgery.

Endoscopic MidFace Before & After Photos

Fat Transfer Growth Factor Face Lift Patient 1:

This 40-year-old woman underwent a fat transfer to graft growth factors to lift her face including the cheek and lower eyelids. You can see how the growth factors can affect the quality of the skin as the surface appears smoother and more rejuvenated.

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 1 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 1 - Obl Right - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 1 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 1 - Front - After

Midface Lift Patient 2:

This patient had concerns about losing her cheeks and aging prematurely with her “face dropping too fast. She underwent an Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 2 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 2 - Front - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 2 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 2 - Obl Right - After

Mid-face Lift Patient 3:

This patient was concerned with her aging appearance including her droopy cheeks, and heavy tired eyes. She underwent and Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift and Full Face TCA Peel

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 3 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 3 - Front - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 3 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 3 - Obl Right - After

Mid Facelift Patient 4:

This patient had concerns about premature aging and developing a square face with hollowed areas under her eyes. She underwent an Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Lower Eyelid Lift

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 4 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 4 - Front - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 4 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 4 - Obl Right - After

Mid Facelift Patient 5:

This patient was concerned with her aging appearance including her droopy cheeks, heavy brow, and tired eyes. She underwent an Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Lower Eyelid Lift

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 5 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 5 - Front - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 5 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 5 - Obl Right - After

Endoscopic Midface Lift Patient 6:

This patient was concerned with her aging appearance including her droopy cheeks, heavy brow, and tired eyes, but also wanted to change her nasal appearance. She underwent an Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Upper Eyelid and Lower Eyelid Lift, and Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 6 - Lateral Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 6 - Lateral Right - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 6 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 6 - Obl Right - After

Mid Face Rejuvenation Patient 7:

Although she was young, her cheeks fell prematurely as her family tended to age that way. She said she ” looked tired and stressed.” She underwent an Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 7 - Lateral Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 7 - Lateral Right - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 7 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 7 - Obl Right - After

Midface Rejuvenation Patient 8:

This patient was concerned with her aging appearance including her droopy cheeks, jowls, neck drooping heavy brow, and tired eyes. She underwent an Including Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Facelift, Lower Eyelid Lift, and Chin Augmentation

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 8 - Front - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 8 - Front - After

Before & After

Mid Facelift - Patient 8 - Obl Right - Before
Mid Facelift - Patient 8 - Obl Right - After

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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